Who develops the budget?
The annual school council budget is developed by the Budget Committee.
Budget committee members are members of the school council executive who attend 70% or more of the meetings of the executive. The school principal attends budget committee meetings. The executive may extend invitations to parents subject to parent’s interest and high attendance rate of school council meetings.
How is the budget developed?
The committee, led by the Treasurer, invites and receives proposals from parents and teachers for new initiatives and events for the school; reviews each proposal and evaluates whether it should be allocated funds for the following year; and brings forward the final budget draft for approval by the school council in September.
Budget development timeline
- March: the committee, led by the Treasurer, invites and receives proposals from parents and teachers for new initiatives and events for the school.
- May: the committee meets to review each proposal and evaluate whether it should be allocated funds for the following year. The school principal works closely with the committee to ensure funding is allocated for high priority needs and does not duplicate funding that is already captured in the school’s annual budget.
- June: the draft school council budget for the next school year is approved.
- September: the committee brings forward the final budget draft for approval by the new school council executive.
- Throughout the year: school council executive members provide updates on funds raised and expenditures for the events they lead.
Annual school council budget
2024-2025 Adam Beck School Council – Budget | Pre-Approved Budget
2023-2024 Adam Beck School Council – Budget | Pre-Approved Budget
2022-2023 Adam Beck School Council Budget
2021-2022 Adam Beck School Council Budget
2020-2021 Adam Beck School Council Budget