Adam Beck Gardens

The Adam Beck Garden Committee is responsible for the organization and maintenance of our school gardens. The committee helps implement projects throughout the year that develop the garden as an effective teaching tool as well as a diverse natural environment for our students, teachers and the community to enjoy.

Students are always excited to be in the garden and their enthusiasm is contagious and as wonderful as wildflowers!

What does the Garden Committee do?
  • Provide student opportunities for seasonal planting in the fall and spring (we planted sweet peas, morning glories, lavender, sunflowers, impatiens, begonias and more!)
  • Explore opportunities to expand and enhance the garden environment. The Kindie Learning Garden and the Junior Learning Garden (which features a butterfly sanctuary), planters and benches, and adding more edible garden elements like kale and pumpkins are some our initiatives.
  • Encourage various student activities in the garden, from STEM to painting rocks and stepping stones, sign-making project for the Junior Garden, and others
  • Encourage best practices and sustainability
  • Inspire environmental stewards
  • Maintain the gardens and urns
News from the Garden Committee

Read the most recent posts about the Adam Beck Gardens and the Garden Committee.

Get involved!

There are a variety of volunteer opportunities, from weekday work with the students to weekend watering and weeding.

Every effort makes a difference! Green thumbs are not mandatory.

Contact us

For further information, please contact [email protected] or [email protected] (both emails go to the same place!)

Featured project: our Junior Learning Garden

This garden provides an interesting garden area with native and sustainable plants and a new place for planting activitiesgarden

It has also introduced a Butterfly Sanctuary, a solution in helping the declining butterfly population in the region. The students have already enthusiastically researched the topic and have completed projects on best practices for butterfly sanctuaries!

New picnic tables provide students with a more comfortable gathering space to undertake environmental learning and life science activities.

The Junior Learning Garden was made possible through a generous grant from TD Friends of the Environment.