Monsterbash fundraising results are in!

We are thrilled to report that Monsterbash, the first event of the school year, exceeded its fundraising target!

Thank you to all families who attended and supported the event, we could have not done it without each and every of you!

  • Money in = $6,022
  • Expenses = $2,223
  • Net amount earned = $3,700 (budgeted to net $3,000)

The money school council raises funds initiatives in the areas of STEM, art, literacy, physical education and community support. Read more about the initiatives funded by school council.

For example, funds raised this school year will bring to Adam Beck Junglesport, a fun low ropes obstacle courses that promotes fundamental movement skills, coordination and cooperation. Students will climb, crawl, swing, leap, balance and always have a smile on their faces! Stay tuned for more information.