Letter to the Premier and Education Minister

Adam Beck School Council Executive sent the following letter, via email, to the Premier and Minister of Education, advocating for a safe return to school for fall 2020.

August 17, 2020

Dear Premier Ford and Minister Lecce,

As parents and caregivers representing families at Adam Beck Junior Public School, we want to express our extreme concern about your government’s current plan to bring children back to school in September 2020. This plan puts students and their families, teachers, staff and other members of the community at unnecessary risk.

Experts in pediatrics and public health at Sick Kids released an updated version of their recommendations (current as of July 2020), which your government’s plan does not follow. This plan includes smaller class sizes, physical distancing, COVID-19 screening, hand hygiene, proper ventilation, and mental health supports for teachers and students. 

The fact that the information needed to safely reopen schools is available and that your government has chosen not to follow it is unacceptable. 

Adam Beck JPS shares infrastructure challenges with many other public schools, which were pushed to the limit before the pandemic. Packed classrooms mean it is impossible to ensure proper physical distancing. Continuing with an already underfunded infrastructure and expecting good results in this critical situation is reckless. 

It is not too late to develop and implement a reasonable, fully funded plan that allows for safe instruction, and we call on you to do so immediately.


The School Council Executive of Adam Beck Junior Public School

CC: Carlene Jackson, Interim Director, TDSB
Trustee Michelle Aarts, Ward 16, TDSB
Rima Berns-McGown, MPP, Beaches-East York
Marit Stiles MPP, Critic, Education