Mental Health Goodies Toolkit
The Mental Health Committee is excited to share some of the items that they were able to purchase to support students in a time when they need it more then...
The Mental Health Committee is excited to share some of the items that they were able to purchase to support students in a time when they need it more then...
Everyone is welcome at school council’s February meeting. The meeting will be held online via Zoom. You can join via video call or using a regular phone line. Watch your...
Here are books that members of Adam Beck’s Equity Committee have enjoyed with their own families and recommend highly. Primary-grade books Spirit Bear: Fishing for Knowledge, Catching Dreams – by...
At the November school council meeting we hosted a guest speaker from the TDSB’s Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Team. Here is a list of resources that she and participants offered...
Everyone is welcome at school council’s January meeting. The meeting will be held online via Zoom. You can join via video call or using a regular phone line. Watch your...
Let’s celebrate the season with some fun family arts and crafts! Adam Beck Colouring Contest, hosted by Black Dog Cafe All students are invited to enter our colouring contest, hosted by...
Missing pizza lunches? So are we! The pizza lunch committee is excited to announce that refunds for last year’s prepaid pizza lunches will be sent out to all applicable families by the...
December is full of celebrations around the world. This year, Hanukkah is celebrated between December 10 and 18. Here are some fun activities to celebrate and learn about the holiday. The winter solstice arrives on December 21, 2020. Even...
Adam Beck has another Spirit Day this Friday November 27th. Wear a jersey to show off your favourite team or one that you love to cheer for! Please contact [email protected] with any...