Category: Programs

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STEM Updates

The STEM committee has been busy organizing some amazing opportunities for our Adam Beck Bears this Spring all thanks to the fundraising efforts of the school council!  Teachers were polled...

Read-A-Thon Winners

We are thrilled to share the 2022 Read-A-Thon Winners! Every student who participated should be extremely proud of their personal achievement. As per last year, students who met or exceeded...

Black lettering on a white background that says Shhh . . . please do not disturb. Busy reading.

How to Submit Reading Logs

Congratulations to all students who are participating in the 2022 Read-a-Thon! Please submit your reading logs using the 2022 Read a thon Submission – Google Form by Friday, March 4, 2022.  TIP:...

Black lettering on a white background that says Shhh . . . please do not disturb. Busy reading.

Read-a-Thon Announcement

Everyone agrees that getting kids to read is a great thing: literacy skills are the foundation of a strong education and are critical to success in school and in life....