Monsterbash 2021 – COVID Edition
Halloween 2021 is upon us and while we aren’t gathering in the gym, we’ve still got a few fun activities planned! Colouring Contest The Monsterbash Halloween Colouring Contest with Ella...
Halloween 2021 is upon us and while we aren’t gathering in the gym, we’ve still got a few fun activities planned! Colouring Contest The Monsterbash Halloween Colouring Contest with Ella...
Get ready for some spooky fun as students are invited to dress up in their favourite costumes on Friday October 29th.
If you don’t want to miss any of the fun this year, keep this cheat sheet close by so you can be in on all the fun!
Ready, set, go! C’est parti! The 2021 Terry Fox event is underway at Adam Beck!In the coming days, students will have the opportunity to learn about this Canadian hero through...
The art auction is now open. From June 2 to 9, we are auctioning off 12 gorgeous canvases painted by classes at Adam Beck. (Note that not all classes got...
From June 2 to 9, we’ll be holding our first online art auction to show off the canvases that 10 classes were able to complete before school went virtual. Families...
Visiting Artists Committee We will be holding an online art show and auction in June to show off and auction off the canvas paintings that classes were able to complete...
Pizza Pizza has developed a virtual fundraising opportunity for schools and, in collaboration with Adam Beck School Council, is offering a 15% discount on all regular-priced menu items on Thursday...
Our beach day is coming up on February 26th. A fun way to include a little sunshine in our day. Celebrate by wearing your most colourful beach wear over your...