2021-2022 Co-chair Needed!

Are you interested in knowing what’s happening at Adam Beck and cultivating a relationship with other parents and caregivers as well as the principal and vice-principal? Being a co-chair might be the job for you.

What does a co-chair do? Being a co-chair is what you make it. Co-chairs support committees, lead council meetings, and troubleshoot. They are also the point of contact between the school principal and council/Adam Beck families. And there are opportunities to do much more!

Is previous experience needed? No. Anyone who is willing to learn can take on this role. And there’s lots of support available from the school board and from the current and past co-chairs.

Are there other requirements? A co-chair must be able to attend and lead school council meetings. A co-chair must also be a parent or caregiver at Adam Beck. (Note: TDSB employees may not hold the chair/co-chair role). Co-chairs commit to a 2-year term.