Terry Fox Run – Update!

A very ambitious fundraising goal was set for this year’s Terry Fox Run. The challenge was to raise $5,000 which is double what has been raised in recent years. As an incentive, Ms. Zorzit offered to chop off her hair and get a buzz cut. Mr. Bines, quite confident that the goal was so high that it was unlikely to be reached, offered to shave off his bushy beard. He gambled further by saying that if we reached $6,000 then he would shave his beard AND buzz his head.

The total amount raised by the Adam Beck community in support of the Terry Fox Run is $6,138  – LET THE MAKE-OVERS BEGIN!

What’s the buzz? Watch the buzz!  All are welcome to attend as Ms. Zorzit and Mr. Bines get their sleek and aerodynamic new looks in front of the school, courtesy of the stylists at Hair Dynamix on Queen Street. This will happen following our recognition assembly on Friday October 26th at 2 pm.



Terry Fox said… “I want to try the impossible to show it can be done.”

Terry Fox Volunteers – Please find a map of where you’re stationed during the race  and please wear red and white if possible ? Feel free to come at 9 am for the assembly and then we will head out early or just meet around 9:20 am at your spot.


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The students and staff of Adam Beck will once again be taking part in the Terry Fox Run.  Our event will be taking place on Thursday, September 27th.  We would like to invite family members and friends to join us!  We are asking students, staff and family members to wear RED and WHITE on that day to show their school spirit and to honour  Terry Fox!

Our event will start in the gym by 9:00 a.m. After a brief assembly, we will then exit out to the back of the school and head south down Lawlor Ave to Kingston Rd.  We will continue east along Kingston Road, then north on Scarborough Road and then finish the block going west along Swanwick Avenue. Our event will wrap up around 10:00 a.m.  We are looking for volunteers to stand along the route to ensure our children’s safety.  Please see the Adam Beck Facebook page for details.

We will be walking rain or shine, so please dress your child appropriately.  The event will be postponed until Friday, September 29th, if there is thunder or lightning.

Traditionally we have asked for a “Toonie for Terry” and promote a ‘friendly competition’ between classes. Donations can be made in the two glass jars, located in the main office.  The classes that bring in the most money will receive two “FREE” Physical Education classes, where they will vote on the activity they wish to play those days.

Online donations can be made as well, and offers a convenient way for family members to donate on behalf of students. Tax receipts are emailed immediately. To donate online, or to set up Terry Fox personal fundraising webpage, go to terryfox.org and then:


– select “Donate to a student/school”and enter Adam Beck

– select “Adam Beck Public School” from the menu bar

– click on “Sponsor Us” to make a donation on behalf of a specific student, or choose the button for students to “Set up your own page”.

This year we are challenging students and staff to bring donations to meet our goal of $5,000 by offering an extra incentive. The rumours about exactly what will happen have been swirling around the school this week! (Will Mr. Bines wear a dress to school? Will Mr. Yee get that crazy hair do, shaved on the sides and long on top? Will Mme Roy and Mr. Volpato really have a hot-dog eating contest? Will the teachers have to eat bowls of spaghetti in front of the whole school with their hands tied behind their backs? Or will Ms. Smith – gasp! – have to wear a Montreal Canadiens team jersey??) All will be revealed at our assembly!

Hope to see you all wearing RED and WHITE on the September 27th!