Daily Health Screening
Ensuring the health and safety of our students and staff is a priority and everyone plays a role. The most important thing families can do to help mitigate the transmission of COVID-19, is to screen their children daily for any COVID-19 symptoms and keep them home from school if they are sick or have had close contact with anyone diagnosed with COVID-19. All staff and visitors will also be required to screen themselves before entering a TDSB building.
Before coming to school or an administration building each day, all students and staff must conduct an active health screening self-assessment, considering the following questions:
- Do you have any of the following symptoms (new or worsening):
- Fever
- Cough
- Difficulty breathing
- Sore throat, trouble swallowing
- Runny nose or red eyes
- Loss of taste or smell
- Not feeling well, tired or sore muscles
- Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea
- Have you returned from travel outside Canada in the past 14 days?
- Have you been in close contact with someone who is sick or has confirmed COVID-19 in the past 14 days without wearing the appropriate PPE?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, please stay home; self-isolate right away; and call Telehealth or your health care provider to find out if you need to be tested. For more information about testing, please visit www.toronto.ca/home/covid-19/
If you answered no to all of these questions, please record the information daily in one of the following ways, which will allow you to enter to your school or administration building:

To use the app, please note:
- Parents/guardians are to use their child’s student account information to login to the Health Screening App.
- If you don’t know your child’s student account information, please contact IT Services Support via Student Password / Device Help.
- If you don’t know your child’s student account information or cannot access it, please feel free to use the Health Screening Paper Pass.
- For a step-by-step guide, please refer to How to Use the Health Screening App.
Once students and staff arrive at school or an administration building, enter through the designated doors where a staff member will verify your health screening information.
Simply show the staff member either your signed Health Pass, or, if you used the Health Screening App, show your QR code or provide your name for verification. Then, sanitize your hands, take a mask if necessary and continue to your classroom or work area.
If you were unable to record your active health screening at-home or forgot to:
- Elementary students will be asked if they are feeling well:
- If the answer is yes, they will be allowed to go into the classroom with a mask/face covering on and maintaining physical distancing, the staff member at the door will note their name and the parent/guardian will be contacted to conduct the full assessment by phone.
- If they say no, they will be sent to the Wellness Room and their parent/guardian will be contacted.
- Secondary students will be asked to complete a self-assessment on site and can sign the TDSB Student Health Pass.