Adam Beck News

Collage of painted canvases from 2019 auction

Class Art-Canvas Project

Over the coming weeks, teachers will work with their classes to create a unique painting. Each class will have the chance to get creative and collaborative to paint a 24 x 30-inch canvas. Paints, brushes and...

The word budget in black on a white background surrounded by graphs and charts

Budget 2021-2022

Do you have a program or idea that you would like to champion that requires money from the School Council Budget to run? We are underway to start planning for our 2021-2022 School Council Budget.  Each...

Three black silhouettes of children, one sitting and two standing, in front of shelves of books, each row of books in a different rainbow colour.

2021 Read-A-Thon Winners!

We are so excited to share the final 2021 Read-A-Thon Winners! Every student who participated should be extremely proud of their individual achievement.  The winner of the Dassios Cup this year is Mme Bettas class! They had the highest participation...

Mental Health Goodies Toolkit

The Mental Health Committee is excited to share some of the items that they were able to purchase to support students in a time when they need it more then ever. These items will go into...

Black lettering on a white background that says Shhh . . . please do not disturb. Busy reading.

Submit your Read-a-Thon Logs!

Congratulations to all students who participated in the 2021 Read-a-Thon! It is now time to submit your reading logs. Please submit your logs here by Friday, March 5, 2021. Tip: use a gmail email address OR your child’s TDSB...