Holiday Party 2024
🗓️Save the Date! 🗓️ ❄️Join us on Saturday, November 23 for the Adam Beck Holiday Party! ❄️ This free community event happens in the Adam Beck gym and has something...
🗓️Save the Date! 🗓️ ❄️Join us on Saturday, November 23 for the Adam Beck Holiday Party! ❄️ This free community event happens in the Adam Beck gym and has something...
Calling all Hockey Parents! Now is the time to clear outgrown gear out of your garage or basement. Bring helmets, sticks, pants, elbow and shoulder pads, skates, gloves, hockey bags...
We’re excited to announce that Adam Beck spirit wear is now available for purchase! You can submit your orders through the website at the link below. Sizing information is available...
Adam Beck Parent Council is thrilled to announce our partnership with Extra Ed for another fantastic year of STEM programming in Primary and Junior Classrooms! 🌟 Mr. X and Mark...
Join us for a thrilling Adam Beck School community event hosted by School Council on Sunday, June 2, 2024. Experience the excitement as we gather to watch the Toronto Blue...
Calling all students and families of Adam Beck! We need your input on upcoming spirit days! Your voice matters in shaping our school’s vibrant community. Cast your votes now for...
April 22 to 26 will be Adam Beck’s first official Arts Week! That week, the school council Visiting Artists Committee has arranged for artists from VIBE Arts to work with...
Join us for a thrilling Adam Beck School community event hosted by School Council on Sunday, June 2, 2024. Experience the excitement as we gather to watch the Toronto Blue...
We are thrilled to share the results of the 2024 Read-A-Thon! Thank you to every student who participated and their teachers and caregivers who cheered them on. You should all...
All Adam Beck parents and caregivers are invited on Tuesday, March 19, at 6:30 p.m. to a virtual presentation by guest speaker Kelly Brownbill to talk to us about The Gifts of...