Community Support: Partner School Sponsorship of Sprucecourt PS

As a school council, we look for ways to give back to our local and larger communities and build connections with other schools in the TDSB.

As part of the current year’s school council budget, we set aside $1,000 to support another school in need.

We are happy to announce that we have partnered with Sprucecourt PS, located near Parliament and Gerrard, to support their new Early Reading Intervention (ERI) Program, which will give a boost to senior kindergarten and grade 1 students who need support to develop their reading skills.

We are excited and grateful to be supporting this program.

The program will be facilitated by parent volunteers. The money from Adam Beck School Council is being used to pay for literacy materials. See details in the thank-you letter from Sprucecourt’s Principal, below.

Re: Sprucecourt PS Donation

Dear Karen and Jennifer,

On behalf of the students and staff at Sprucecourt Public School, we want to thank you for your generous donation of $1000.00 that will be used towards our Early Reading Intervention Program. This is a new and exciting initiative for our school, in that we are going to be training parent and community volunteers, to work in a one on one setting, with students in Senior Kindergarten and Grade 1 who require some extra support with their reading skills. We believe that along with a balanced literacy program in our classrooms and the support of the ERl program, our goal is that all students will be reading at the expected level for the grade in which they are in.

All the proceeds will be put directly into the program to purchase items such as magnetic letters, erasable whiteboards and of course levelled readers. We will be up and running the program the first week back at school after the winter holidays.

Again, thank you so much for your kindness. It will go a long way in helping our school community.