Guest Speaker – Kelly Brownbill, March 19
All Adam Beck parents and caregivers are invited on Tuesday, March 19, at 6:30 p.m. to a virtual presentation by guest speaker Kelly Brownbill to talk to us about The Gifts of the Seven Grandfathers. The meeting link will be sent out closer to the event date.
The Seven Grandfather Teachings have become ubiquitous as people, agencies and communities strive to prove their commitment to reconciliation. But do we really know what they are, how they are to be used, even what they are called? Kelly will speak about The Gifts of the Seven Grandfathers, and how these gifts can reside in all of our lives, and are a useful tool in supporting our children and youth in their quest to find their worth and purpose.
Zoom Link
To get the Zoom link, please email [email protected] or [email protected].
About Kelly Brownbill
Kelly Brownbill’s spirit name, Wabunnoongakekwe, means Woman Who Comes from the East and she is proud to be Waabizhashi Dodem, Marten Clan. She is a member of the Flat Bay community of the Mi’kmaq Nation in Newfoundland, and of the Three Fires Midewiwin Lodge.
As an educator on Indigenous issues, she has conducted countless cultural awareness training sessions across a broad range of service sectors including key staff from both the provincial and federal governments. She guides organizations in forging more respectful and equitable relationships with Indigenous communities and agencies. For 10 years she filled the role of peer referral agent for Canada’s largest single site employer of Indigenous people. She has also worked with Indigenous communities, both on and off reserve, to develop healthy agency models and to further develop counselling skills with Indigenous clients. Learn more about Kelly at
Kelly Brownbill’s presentation is brought to you by Glen Ames School Council, Adam Beck School Council, and Kimberley JPS and Beaches Alt Diversity and Equity Committee.