Pizza Lunch Volunteers

We are looking for parent volunteers to make pizza lunch a success!

Pizza Lunch cannot happen without the support of parent volunteers, and we need and appreciate your support.

If you are interested in helping with Pizza Lunch, please send an email to [email protected] It would be so helpful to have 1 or 2 parent volunteers per class, and a commitment to help out for one of the pizza lunches on any one of the monthly dates helps us build a base of volunteers for each classroom.

Pizza Lunches are scheduled for the last Wednesday of each month. We know our students really enjoy having their parent/guardian in the class helping with pizza lunch.

When helping, we ask the volunteers to arrive at the school at 10:50 AM and wait by the community center kitchen. At 11:00 AM, parents take the pizza to the classrooms for distribution to the students, along with juice boxes, based on the list provided. At 11:25, students head outdoors for recess! It’s a well-organized endeavour, and only requires about 30 minutes of your day – and our students so appreciate your help to make Pizza Lunches run smoothly.