Hot Lunches
Great news! “Kids Lunch by Rose Reisman” is back!
Every Thursday – starting November 3 – parents can get a morning break from making lunches, maybe even have a second cup of coffee knowing their child’s lunch will be delivered fresh to Adam Beck. A win-win for parents and students.
All orders must be placed online with a deadline of Tuesdays at midnight for Thursday’s delivery. Costs for meals vary – see seasonal menu.
Register or log in here: – Rose Approved!
For returning families your must UPDATE your child’s classroom/room number *this is important*
As an eco-platinum school, we are asking families to BYOC – bring your own (reusable) cutlery on Thursdays along with any snacks and water bottle you would normally send.
For specific questions regarding ingredients, allergies or dietary restrictions as well as issues surrounding service, please email: [email protected] . For any other information, email [email protected]