Year-end Optional Group Gifts

As in past years, this year we will arrange to collect and pool voluntary contributions to buy gifts for rotary teachers. THIS IS OPTIONAL.

If you are interested in contributing, please etransfer by June 24. Dianne Wong-Roland will organize the money and buy gifts on behalf of all those contributed.

The teachers we are collecting for are:

  • Adam Mason – Integrated Arts
  • Alison Nason – Drama and Media Literacy
  • Jennifer Hillier-Hu – Kindergarten Prep
  • Kara Smith – Phys Ed
  • Marc Volpato – Resource
  • Shelly Zorzit – Core French
  • Olga Panova – Library

Please include the name of the teacher you are contributing for, and your child’s name in the note of the etransfer. If there is not a note, the contribution will be evenly spread among all 7 teachers.

Questions? Email