2018 Read-a-Thon is here! Here are the details…
Dear Adam Beck Parents:
The 2018 Adam Beck Read-a-Thon is here! Below are the details about the program – I hope you find answers all your questions. You can email me directly if you need any further info at [email protected].
A copy of the Student Reading Log is already available for you to reprint as required.
Student Reading Logs
- Valid reading dates: Friday, February 2 until Sunday, February 25.
- Please do not count any reading minutes past February 25.
- There will be prizes for the winners and over 400 entries to go through so please:
- Have students tally their reading minute totals on their log (volunteers will not go through and add up or check reading minutes);
- Validate their reading entries with your initials;
- Check their ongoing addition and their grand total minutes tally and initial at the top before handing in.
- Hand in reading logs to teachers on Monday, February 26
- If the student is away on February 26, you can email me their minutes grand total that day at [email protected] and they can hand in their reading log to their teacher when they get back to school.
What reading “counts” on Student Reading Log?
- Individual reading at school for pleasure or for school work (to be initialed/validated by teacher);
- Reading at home / daycare on their own (to be initialed/validated by caregiver/parent);
- For those students who don’t read yet, it can include time they spend on their own looking through books – the point is spending time enjoying books!
- Parent/caregiver reading aloud to child at home or daycare;
Please do not include time the teacher spends reading aloud to the class – teachers have a classroom log to keep track of this reading.
- All students who reach the following grade goals will win a prize:
- JK/SK: 150 minutes
- Grades 1-3: 300 minutes
- Grades 4-6: 450 minutes
- Top reader by minutes per classroom will win a medal and will get to choose a book worth up to $25 through Indigo;
- Second reader by minutes per classroom will get to choose a book from the book prize pile;
- Top reader by minutes overall in the school will win a trophy;
- The top staff reader by minutes overall will win $100 to order books through Indigo for the classroom of their choice;
- The classroom with most minutes read overall wins the Dassios Cup and $100 to buy books for their classroom through Indigo.
- This will be determined by adding Student Reading Logs, the Classroom Reading Log, and any Staff Reading Logs that are associated with that classroom.
Funding for the book prizes is provided by the Adopt-a-School Grant we received from Indigo in previous years. Funding for the rest of the expenses and prizes for this event comes from the School Council budget that you generously support through the various fundraisers dedicated parent volunteers put on throughout the school year. If you value this type of school community activity, please continue your support for the School Council events in any way you can.
Name the Read-a-Thon Bookworm Mascot Contest
- All students received an entry form along with the reading logs and door hangers
- Entries are to be put in the box in the office between Monday, Feb. 5 and Friday, Feb. 9
- One entry per student
- Top 5 names will be chosen and put to an online vote
- Winning entry gets to pick a prize from the book prize pile
I hope this event brings reading excitement to your home and encourages your child to spend more time with books!
Michelle Lavoie
Chief Read-a-Thon Bookworm and Parent Volunteer