Parents and community members over the age of 18 who wish to volunteer in the school must complete a Police Reference Check (which includes a vulnerable sector screening) and be cleared before they can participate in activities with students. This process ensures that schools and classrooms are safe places for students.
Parents who wish to help supervise children on a field trip, serve as a speaker in the classroom, help with pizza lunch, assist the scientist in school, participate in meetings and activities of the school council, act as a volunteer driver for sports events or any other activities involving students or taking place in the school, MUST have a police reference check to be able to volunteer.
The school principal can provide support with the Police Reference Check process. Here are the steps of going through the police background check for new and returning volunteers:
First time volunteers:
- Pick up the Police Reference Check/ Clearance Form from the school’s main office. Please be sure to fill it out completely and accurately. Any forms with errors or missing info are returned.
- Get a certified cheque or bank draft for $20 made out to Toronto Police Services. This is a one-time cost.
- Submit the form and the certified cheque / bank draft to the school office. The school office will submit it to Toronto Police Services on your behalf. The reference check process can take a couple of weeks.
- When your application is processed, the Toronto Police Services will mail you a letter with your results. Take the original letter to the school main office. The School office will forward it to the central TDSB office to be entered into the system. The letter will be returned to you in about two weeks.
Returning volunteers:
- Check in with the school principal every year after the reference check has been processed to give an annual offence declaration (no cost).
We encourage all parents to undergo a Police Reference Check. This way you will be ready to volunteer whenever you have time and the right opportunity arises!
More on police reference checks for volunteers from the Toronto District School Board and the Toronto Police Service.