Throughout the school year, the Adam Beck school council organizes fundraising events that are super fun for students, parents, siblings, family members and the broader community.
What do we raise funds for?
The events raise a significant amount of money that are used to fund a number of initiatives that benefit students, families and the community, such as:
- Technology for the classroom
- Scientists in school
- Visiting artists
- Musical instruments and reparis
- Read-a-thon
- Adam Beck gardens
- Rendez-vous café
- Staff appreciation
- And much more!
Learn more about these fundraisers and initiatives in the Council’s annual budget.
Who organizes these events?
All the events and fundraisers are volunteer-led. Each event has a committee lead who spearheads the organization of the event. Many other volunteers are essential to making these events happen. Without their hard work, enthusiasm and ongoing commitment, these events would not take place. Parents can choose from many volunteering opportunities subject to their interest and time available. Read more on the Get involved page.
How can parents help?
We invite all parents and guardians to find a way to contribute to enriching the classroom experience of our children: get engaged with school council, join a committee, participate as a volunteer at events, attend these fantastic events or contribute to the fundraising efforts.