When parents get involved in their child’s education and school life, the benefits are endless. From increasing student achievement to enhancing the experiences and opportunities available to students, parent participation in the school makes a big difference.
Check the most recent calls for volunteers to see how you can get involved.
How can I contribute?
There are many ways in which parents can get involved in the activities at school. All council events and initiatives are developed and executed by volunteers. Whether you’d like to join the School Council or one of its committees, help with events like Mayfair, Movie Night or Pizza Lunch, or with initiatives like staff appreciation, the school garden or bring a scientist in the school, volunteering is a great way to get involved and make a difference.
There are many volunteering opportunities that parents can choose from subject to their interest and time available. Even as little as an hour of help makes a big difference and is highly appreciated!
What do I need to be a volunteer?
To be a volunteer, all parents/guardians must have applied and received a police reference check.
A BIG thank you to our volunteers!
Parents give their time and talent in different ways. Volunteers are critical to every single event that Adam Beck council runs and we are very grateful to each and every one of them! Without your hard work, enthusiasm and ongoing commitment, these events would not take place.
Questions? Want to sign up?
If you are interested in adding your name to the list of available volunteers or learning more about how you can help, please contact us at [email protected].